


Public Engagement


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Public Engagement


For Employers


Developing Diversity in Physics - SEPnet Sharing Good Practice Workshop

Developing Diversity in Physics - SEPnet Sharing Good Practice Workshop

8 Oct 2018



Wednesday 5 December 2018 12.00 � 17.00

University of Portsmouth

University of Portsmouth Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation (ICG) is hosting a Diversity in Physics workshop on behalf of the South East Physics Network (SEPnet).

As recent events have highlighted, unconscious and cultural biases continue to present challenges in addressing issues related to diversity in physics. This crucial problem affects the whole physics community � not just under-represented groups � and we need to engage all staff and students to help tackle this problem.

The aim of this timely workshop is to share good practice on progression and career development for HE staff and students in physics. Presenters will provide an overview of progress to date highlighting the barriers and how to address them and will provide examples of successful initiatives.

This event is aimed at all physics staff and PGRs and those responsible for diversity and inclusion including Project Juno and diversity champions, HR managers and academics.

For details of the programme and to reserve space contact: veronica.benson@sepnet.ac.uk